THANK YOU, THANK YOU! to all who have donated so far to our 2022 Buy a Light/Brighten a Life campaign! Your big-hearted generosity is most sincerely appreciated.
To date, thanks to our families and friends, we are hitting the $3400 mark – which is amazing! All donations to the Buy a Light initiative go towards supporting our recreation fun and the continuation of our music therapy programming. Did you know that our music therapy activities are 100% donor/grantor funded – so without you, things would be a whole lot quieter around here – which would be very sad.
There is still time to donate to our annual fundraiser either sending your gift by Canada Post (payee for your cheque is: The Convalescent Home of Winnipeg) or via CanadaHelps. (Should you wish to designate your donation to our amazing staff (aka our very own Health Care Heroes) or an alternate purpose at The Home – feel free to provide such direction on your cheque or on the CanadaHelps website – and we will honor your preference.)
Together we can make BIG, BRIGHT & BEAUTIFUL things happen for our Residents/our Home!
Sherry Heppner
Development Coordinator