Tune-in AGAIN for more on Tune-Up Cafe: CTV – Thursday, May 2 – 7:52 a.m.

Naomi (our music therapist) and myself continue to be making the rounds of promoting our Tune-Up Café, and this time – we will be guests on CTV’s local morning show hosted by Rachel Lagacé!  😊

Based on the scheduling information provided to us, we will be interviewed in a short segment on Thursday (May 2) called Community Connection which airs at 7:52 am and then AGAIN in their evening newscast. So grab your morning coffee (or your supper!) and please do tune us in on Thursday.

For those who may have missed our CBC interview with Nadia Kidwai – here’s a link for you to listen to and circulate to others:  https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/audio/1.7180423    (I have to confess – a radio interview is much less stressful than TV!)

We are promoting the Tune-Up Café as being for those in our communities/neighborhoods who are living with memory challenges or are recovering from a stroke/relearning their vocabulary AND their care partners. However, we also welcome families/friends of The Home who wish to join their loved one and participate in a fun early evening activity that they can do together. No prior music experience is required!  All are welcome – even if you only “hum”!

Please check out our pamphlet and poster for further details (day, time, etc.) and feel free to share as you see appropriate. If you are interested in joining us – do let us know by either sending an email my way () or to .

We hope to have you join us!  It promises to be something not to be missed!

Warmest Regards,

Sherry Heppner
Development Coordinator