Slightly Enhanced Visitation Protocols & More

Further to the very good news of our COVID-19 virus outbreak being declared officially over as of February 12, 2021, we take this opportunity to share advice on the positive implications tied to our status change.

Presuming that all remains as is for our Home with the health and wellbeing of our Residents and staff, commencing the week of February 22, 2021 – we will introduce a slight broadening of our “designated” visitors’ category to include additional family members (and in some cases, close friends). We first need to create visitation “cubicles” on our main floor before we can formally put out a larger Welcome mat!  (No access will be permitted to our Residents’ own rooms – except in end-of-life situations.  All visits will be either in designated areas on our main floor or in our “Pod”.)

We are also pleased to share that the scope of Resident activities will be enhanced to allow for some small group off Unit activities (to provide for a much needed change in scenery). As well, the biggest (and best?) news of all is that we anticipate the return of our hairstylist in early March!  Say goodbye to our COVID hair-do’s!

Although, our Home’s outbreak is over, and our Residents and most of our staff have received their vaccinations, the COVID-19 virus remains very real in our community, as well as the threat of variants of the virus. We all need to do our part in protecting each other. Face masks, frequent hand sanitization, and social distancing are simply part of our new norm for the foreseeable future. 

As always, we appreciate your patience as we work out best practices for integrating new protocols into our daily routines. Policies and procedures may change over time.  We are purposely going slow and with much caution as we move forward with our slightly lightened restrictions.

Virtual visits will continue to be available, however, as we ramp up with in-person visits – we anticipate having to cut back to only “out of town” family/friends. Until further notice is provided, all virtual (and “in-person”) visits may be booked via sending an email to .

Warmest regards,

Sherry Heppner
Development Coordinator
The Convalescent Home of Winnipeg