Family/Friends are welcome!
The role of family/friends in the lives of our Residents is recognized as being vitally important to their overall well-being. You know your loved one best and while we strive to provide excellence in holistic care to all our Residents, we know that only family/friends have the shared bond of history that is so important in validating self-worth and in being able to reminisce about those unique lived experiences.
When planning your visit, it is always wise to first check for any recent postings to confirm whether there are any recent restrictions implemented that may either limit access (temporarily) or change duration for time spent with your loved one. The most current information regarding outbreaks/visitor restrictions will always be posted on our front webpage under the heading “Latest News“, with general details provided on this page.
Visitation Protocols
Effective October 5, 2022 – Provincial guidelines for personal care homes require visitors to self-screen before proceeding to visit with their loved one.
Self-screening necessitates families/friends to:
– Perform hand hygiene*
– Don a mask (optional)*
– Sign-in (upon arrival) and sign-out (when leaving) in our Visitor Log on the Unit/floor that you are visiting.
*Alcohol-based hand cleaner is available in our foyer and throughout our Home. Unless advised otherwise, effective early May 2023, it is optional to wear (don) a mask (cloth or medical-type) when visiting in our Home. Medical masks will be available in our Home for as long as our own supplies last. If feeling at all unwell – kindly stay home until recovered and you are once again feeling 100% healthy!
Visiting Hours
Our Home’s visiting hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. – 7 days a week. For end of life visitation with a Resident, please speak with your loved one’s nurse to make special arrangements to spend extended time with them beyond the above-stated hours.
Due to space limitations, only two visitors per Resident are allowed on their Unit/floor. Should more than two visitors attend for the same Resident – please plan to visit in our main floor communal areas, being cognizant that our Recreation staff frequently make use of our Recreation room for organized activities.
Children Welcome!
Children are welcome to visit – they bring joy and interject life into our Home! On floor/Unit visitation remains restricted to 2 visitors per Resident at any one time including if one of the two visitors is a child.
Gifts of Food and More
Food/beverages/treats/gifts may be delivered/given to your loved one during your visit, and visitors may also partake of food/beverages with their loved one. Kindly check with your loved one’s nurse prior to serving/giving any food/drink to your loved one as dietary restrictions may be applicable.
Access/Swipe Card
To facilitate ease in coming and going, and for the safety/security of our Residents, staff and families/friends, all visitors must obtain a swipe/access card(s) from our Business Office. A refundable deposit of $25 (cash or cheque – cost is subject to change) per swipe card is required. (Our Business office is open Monday-Friday (excluding Statutory Holidays) from 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.)
Feeling Unwell? Please Stay Home
Working together and adhering to the self-screening practices, will help ensure a health-safe environment for everyone. AND please don’t visit if you are feeling unwell.
Outbreak Notification – Visitation Restrictions
Should an outbreak be declared at our Home, we anticipate that visits will NOT be permitted. Email notification will be provided to families/friends (who have asked/agreed to be part of our Distribution List) as quickly as possible when an outbreak situation arises, as well as posted to our main webpage.