Public Consultation: Building a Plan with Older Manitobans

As you may have heard via the news media – the Manitoba PC Government (and, more specifically, the Seniors and Long-Term Care department) is undertaking public consultations regarding establishing priorities geared towards improving the quality of life for all older Manitobans.

One way that they are gathering input is via an online survey available at the following link:

I, personally, just completed the survey and I encourage families/friends to take 15 to 20 minutes (or less – based on how detailed you may be with your responses) to also review/provide feedback by completing the survey.  You will have to register (setting up a user ID and password – very easy) to participate.

This is a great opportunity to have your voice heard in support of making a difference in the care of your/our loved ones (and being a tad self-focused, we are doing this for our own futures, too)!

Many thanks to all who complete the survey. 😊

Warmest regards,

Sherry Heppner
Development Coordinator