Practice the Basics to Keep Safe

As you are very aware, Manitoba continues to maintain its red zone COVID-19 pandemic restrictions because of (among other reasons) the increasing case numbers of the coronavirus variant. With this in mind, and even with the majority of our Home’s Residents and staff having been vaccinated, we must remain most vigilant in doing our part with the basics of:

  1. Hand washing/hand sanitizing,
  2. Wearing face masks,
  3. Social distancing, and
  4. Limiting our interactions/engagements with others outside your designated circle/bubble of contacts (particularly in indoor settings).

In-person visitation protocols at our Home remain unchanged for now and Recreation staff who facilitate the visits will assist all family/friends with courteous reminders upon arrival. For the few who have been asking, “outdoor” visits are being discussed, but as this is only April and Mother Nature has been more than a bit temperamental, we don’t foresee them starting until late May/early June.

Be safe! Be kind! Be hopeful – better days will come!

Warmest Regards,

Sherry Heppner
Development Coordinator
The Convalescent Home of Winnipeg