We confirm it is true: effective immediately, masks will no longer be mandatory to be worn when visiting your loved one at The Convalescent Home!
As you may have read/heard from news media reports: health-care facilities in Canada (including Manitoba) are dropping their COVID-19 mask mandates, because there is less risk and virus spread.
For all visitors and our staff, our Home will be “mask friendly,” meaning that if you prefer to wear a mask – that is fine! Your decision will be respected. We all have different comfort levels, and it has been a long three years since we have gone without wearing a mask. For visitors, kindly note we will no longer be providing medical masks – you can supply/wear a mask of your own choosing, if you wish to wear one.
Should there be a virus outbreak in our Home, and as appropriate to the situation, signage will be posted to indicate that a mask and/or other personal protective equipment is required; and communication, as needed, will be issued.
We continue to ask families’/friends’ cooperation to stay home when not feeling well and to wait until feeling better before visiting. Lastly, we encourage all to practice good hand hygiene (coming and going, and, of course, when in our Home and elsewhere). If you see a hand sanitizer dispenser – make use of it to help control the spread of the nasties!
With masks gone, it will be great to see smiles again! 😊
Warmest regards,
Sherry Heppner
Development Coordinator