Therapeutic Recreation
The Recreation Department completes an in-depth assessment form and care plan for each Resident. Three goals are developed based on the Resident’s social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and spiritual needs. All our programs are developed around the community of Residents’ identified needs, interests, and preferences.
Monthly Recreation Calendar
A monthly recreation calendar is posted on each floor and personal copies are made available. The calendar depicts special events, small and large group programming, and seasonal activities. January 2025’s recreation calendar is available here.
Pet Visitation/Program
The Home recognizes and appreciates the positive therapeutic value of pets. However, because of the small size of The Home, we reserve the right to limit the number of pet visitors present at any one time.
For the safety and well-being of our Residents and all visitors, we have a pet policy in place. All pets must be obedient, good tempered and leashed/supervised at all times. In addition, we ask that the following points be respected:
- Vaccinations must be current, and the pet must be in good health;
- Pets must be walked on “city” property and utilize the boulevards (and not The Home’s greenspace) for “bathroom purposes” (the pet owner is responsible for all clean-up and disposal of pet waste – in outdoor receptacles);
- Pets are not allowed in the dining/food preparation areas, except where law permits – such as for certified guide dogs.
We also have ongoing pet visits scheduled with the St. John’s Ambulance Pet Therapy Program.
Large Group Activities
The Recreation Department provides a variety of large group activities and events held in the Recreation room or the dining room. Events are based on Residents’ interests and seasonal celebrations. Programs include music/sing-alongs, baking, entertainment, Birthday Parties, exercises, bocce ball, shuffle bowl, movie night (and more).
Small Group Activities
Recreation regularly offers small group programs. These programs are developed to suit the specific needs of the Residents attending and may include music, crafts, exercises, reminiscing, news and views, balloon volleyball, crosswords, just for laughs, brain teasers, and many more.
1-1 Activities
One-to-one time is offered by Recreation staff to Residents with specific recreational needs. As well, in order to get to know a Resident and their preferences, members of the Recreation team will spend dedicated time in personal conversation with individual Residents.
Resident Council
All Residents of The Home are invited to participate in our Resident Council which meets every second month.
Resident/Family Info Evenings
Resident/Family information meetings are held in order to maintain open communication between The Home, Residents, and families/legal representatives. Dates of meetings and agendas are posted in advance of the scheduled timing.
Care Conferences
A care conference is scheduled shortly after a Resident’s admission (6-8 weeks) and annually thereafter. The Interdisciplinary Care Team, including the Resident, their family/legal representative meet to ensure that the care being provided is meeting the Resident’s needs. Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Dietician, Recreation and Social Work will be present to comment (or a report will be given) and discuss options for providing the best quality of care. Our Pharmacist will also provide a written report of the prescribed medications.
Social Leaves / Bed Extensions
Residents are able to leave The Home for family outings, holidays, etc., up to a maximum of 21 days annually. For safety and planning reasons, we ask that nursing staff be made aware well in advance of all social leaves from The Home and that family/legal representative sign a release of responsibility form prior to the leave. Medications will be prepared and provided by The Home for the duration of the leave.
Should a Resident require hospitalization for more than 21 days, a bed extension reserving the Resident’s room at The Home can be arranged.